Sunday, November 30, 2014

Open-source Machine Lets You Recycle and Make Your Own Plastic Products

thoughtblazers' commentary
Dutch designer Dave Hakkens has developed a open-source prototype for a plastics recycling machine. So many concepts here! One is, what other types of open-source programs are out there for your manufacturing business to take advantage of. Another is having abundant recycled plastic for your own 3D printer that all businesses and homes will no doubt have in the next 5 - 10 years. Why not get a head start on your competition?


Photo courtesy of

For the full article and additional visuals from, click here.
The Explainer: Disruptive Innovation

Catlin Insurance Company's Gorgeous Waterfall

thoughtblazers' commentary
As you look at and read about the magnificent interior waterfall at the Catlin Insurance corporate headquarters in Bermuda, the only commentary I have is: Who says you can't make money in this business?

Enjoy the article from Harmonic Environments below.

See full article in: Harmonic Environments 

Catlin Insurance Company's Gorgeous Waterfall
This magnificent waterfall greets visitors at the Catlin Insurance Company corporate headquarters in Hamilton, Bermuda. Terceira Quarterly & Associates and Harmonic Environments designed a 32' long by 9' high multi-panel Translucence Series® glass water wall with accented cast glass logo, to elegantly divide space in this contemporary office design. 
Insuring the World Cup Finals

Video courtesy of

thoughtblazers' take:
"Insurance enables things to happen...", including the World Cup! This video shows the countless global risk issues arising from this one event. As with any other industry, depending on the specific job and the type of insurance product or service being offered, you can have a fun and fulfilling career.  

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Hi-Tech and Vintage Coworkers Can Flourish Together

thoughtblazers' take:
This amazing high-tech vintage amplifier from Heartless Machine is the perfect image of the ideal multigenerational workplace. Seriously!? Yes! And here’s why: 1) The smartphone represents the Millenials and Gen Xers with their extreme tech savviness, knowledge of pop culture and younger buyers, along with flexibility; 2) The horn - that actually becomes an external speaker for the smartphone - is a visual for the rich, full experience that Baby Boomers and Traditionals bring to their work; 3) The solid base is the innovative leadership that holds it all together.

At first glance, it’s somewhat odd looking. But then you begin to see the genius of it, and wonder if this would fit in your office or living room. 

Those companies who can bring their vintage and high-tech workers together will flourish.